söndag 10 februari 2013

Just a quick note, my uncle is fine just so you know! In an hour we're going to the airport :)

Good morning!

Sorry that I haven't been here in a couple of days, but I have been really busy with loads of things. I also haven't been feeling that good because of a couple of reasons.

One is, a couple of weeks ago one of my co-workers became sick. She is one of the ones I work with that I feel closest too, she is around my mums age, she has 3 daughters and one of them I have been to school with, I know her husband, so I know the family really well, been there to dinner and so on.
Anyways a few weeks ago we found out that she has cancer in her ovary. But at that point it sounded "positve" that is wasn't anywhere else and that they were going to do some more tests before treatment.
But now this week we have found out that it has spread (or it could have started there and spread to the ovary we don't know) to her colon, and from what I understand, cancer there is never good. So on Friday when we found out this.. I was completely off at work. A lot of feelings from mum also comes back. But now we can only hope for the best.
Than on Friday night I got a text message from dad saying that my uncle (my other uncle passed away 8 months ago from lucemia) is at the ICU in the hospital because of his heart. Like thousand feelings came in my head.. it's like, not again.
The thing is that today we're going to Stockholm and tomorrow we fly to Spain for our 7 night cruise for my dad's 60th birthday this week. He also wrote "it might end with that I stay at home" and I don't know what's going on... I didn't hear anything yesterday at all.. not from my sister or my dad about this. And today we're going.. so it feels kinda weird.
I think I have some bad luck or something because it ALWAYS happends something when I'm going somewhere that I have been looking forward to... In 2010 before the BSB cruise my mum passed away like 1 week before I left... in 2012 before I was going to London to see NKOTBSB my uncle passed away.... and I remember my dad saying to me "you have to stay at home so nothing happends" and what happends now... my co-worker and uncle is sick.
And if this isn't end.. today I woke up with loads of pain in my neck and shoulders. This just really sucks big time!

Oh well. we'll see how this day ends! Don't know if I'll be able to update so much this coming week!
But this was an update what has been going on here the last couple of days!

tisdag 5 februari 2013

Good morning!
I have just woken up this morning, really tired, I could probably have been sleeping longer, but it's quite nice to get up not that late. 
Today it's working time, but between 2.30pm to 8.30pm, before that I don't have so many plans, me and Andreas will probably watch some Fringe or something like that. 

But now I gotta go!

måndag 4 februari 2013

Why are there coming so many good artists to Sweden this year?
There are soo many concerts that I want to go to, everyone seems to be touring in 2013.
And I can't book anything, becuase I don't know when BSB will come, and I'll choose them first. Than I can see if I can afford anything else!
It really sucks living here in the north, it costs so much to travel everywhere.. Just a few shows I want to go to this year
  • Eurovision Song Contest
  • Rihanna
  • Pink
  • Beyonce
  • Robbie Williams
  • BSB Cruise (okay not in Sweden but I want to go but can't) 
  • Gyllene Tider
I have probably forgotten someone. why can't I have more money?! lol

fredag 1 februari 2013

Had a dream this night that BSB released their tour dates, gosh I wish that it was true!
In my dream they came to Europe in Nov/Dec 2013 and I think that that can be true, from what I have heard about the tour, It can be true that they will come here than.

I can't wait for the tour, but for me, the later this year they will come, the better, so I will be able to save some more money!

Me and BSB in Oslo, Norway

Me and BSB in Malmö, Sweden

Me, Sylvanna and Nick at the airport in Oslo, Norway
What a perfect end to a perfect tour, to run into them at the airport when we were going home  again :)


torsdag 31 januari 2013

The other day I told you guys that I won't be home on Valentines day, so now I can tell you where I'll be than!
Last fall my dad told me and my sister that he wanted to travell somewhere with us on his 60th birthday which is on Feb 15th. So me and my sister discussed where we wanted to go, and had some ideas.
I came ut with an idea that I have wanted to do for a really long time! Told them about the idea and now it's booked and :)
So on Feb 10th, me, Andreas, my dad, my sister and her boyfriend will go to Stockholm. We have to stay one night there at the airport. Because our flight is so early on Monday morning. We than fly Barcelona, Spain. And from there we will go on a 7 night cruise! I'm so excited!

This is our ship

We have a couple of stops as well on the cruise

Day 1: Barcelona
Day 2: Day at sea
Day 3: Tunis, Tunisia
Day 4: Palermo, Italy
Day 5: Civitavecchia, Italy
Day 6: Genua, Italy
Day 7: Marseille, France
Day 8: Barcelona

So this will be really amazing and I really can't wait!!! :)

onsdag 30 januari 2013

Just a quick hi from work, having a little break so I can eat something :) only 4 hours until I can go home :P

About a month ago at work, the union that we re members in came to us to make an article about out work place. It's for the union magazine that comes out to all members in Sweden, I think about 10 times a year or something like that.
Anyways they came in and talked to several of us, also me, I think she interviewed me for around 15 minutes or something like that. There was a photographer there as well, he took pictures everywhere.
They told me that the pics they had taken on me, probably would be on the cover on that magazine, and I have been so damn nervous about that. Just because first: I didn't feel so nice with my working clothes on. 2: I don't like beeing on a picture.
So I have been soooo nervous.
Yesterday the magazine came in my mail box. And guess what?! I wasn't on the cover!!!!
I was so relief, because I really didn't want to be there!! I was so happy!!

The article was really good I must say. There was a picture of me in there, but I can live with that. 

I think you can click on the pictures to see bigger versions of them!

tisdag 29 januari 2013

As you all probably know, its soon Valentines Day. This year, I won't be home than (can tell ya later where I'll be). I have never been a person who have celabrated it that much. The other day when I came home from work, my boyfriend had a present for me.
He said that since we won't be home on Valentines Day, he gave it to me now, that's just really cute :)
On the picture you can see what I got :)

måndag 28 januari 2013

Finally I have one day off from work! YAY!!!
Me and my boyfriend have just had dinner, nice :)
Tonight we're not doing that much, we have started to watch the serie Fringe again, or I have seen a little and Andreas as well but we want to see everything from the beginning untill the end.

Well I gotta go and continue watching Fringe now!

Good Morning!

8 more hours! 8 more hours!Than I finally have one day off from work!!
I'm really tired this morning and wish that I could stay in bed.. oh well.. I'll sleep some other time!

Now it's work time! Gotta go!

söndag 27 januari 2013

Got home from work a littel while ago, so damn tired .... it has been chaos today, lite I thought that it would be.
But it's okay, the day is done, Only bad thing is that I start working at 7am tomorrow, kinda sucks after have been working all weekend.

It's kinda scary, about 1½ month ago, there was a huge fire in a house that is like 2 houses from me. 2 people lost their lives in that fire. They couldn't save the house, and this week they have removed everything that has been left of it.
I have never lived this close to a house that has had such a huge fire before. It's really scary.

A picture from the fire. You see the yellow house to the right, I live right behind that house

Guess what?

I'm Back!! lol!
I know I haven't been around here lately or in a long time. There are many reasons for that. But there's no point in writing about them here now.
I'm going to do my absolutely best to update here more often! Now that my app on my phone is working again, I can update from there, with more pictures. So there will be changes.
We'll see if I still will have any readers here :P

This weekend is work weekend for me, which means that I have no more life what so ever, I work, I come home, shower, eat.. maybe watch some tv, than sleep. I don't have any energy to do anything else. We have just a lot to do at work this weekend.. everyone got paid on Friday so I guess that's why everyone is coming to us :P

Talking about work, it's soon time for me to go to work, hopefully we won't be having chaos today!

The place I'm working at