söndag 10 februari 2013

Good morning!

Sorry that I haven't been here in a couple of days, but I have been really busy with loads of things. I also haven't been feeling that good because of a couple of reasons.

One is, a couple of weeks ago one of my co-workers became sick. She is one of the ones I work with that I feel closest too, she is around my mums age, she has 3 daughters and one of them I have been to school with, I know her husband, so I know the family really well, been there to dinner and so on.
Anyways a few weeks ago we found out that she has cancer in her ovary. But at that point it sounded "positve" that is wasn't anywhere else and that they were going to do some more tests before treatment.
But now this week we have found out that it has spread (or it could have started there and spread to the ovary we don't know) to her colon, and from what I understand, cancer there is never good. So on Friday when we found out this.. I was completely off at work. A lot of feelings from mum also comes back. But now we can only hope for the best.
Than on Friday night I got a text message from dad saying that my uncle (my other uncle passed away 8 months ago from lucemia) is at the ICU in the hospital because of his heart. Like thousand feelings came in my head.. it's like, not again.
The thing is that today we're going to Stockholm and tomorrow we fly to Spain for our 7 night cruise for my dad's 60th birthday this week. He also wrote "it might end with that I stay at home" and I don't know what's going on... I didn't hear anything yesterday at all.. not from my sister or my dad about this. And today we're going.. so it feels kinda weird.
I think I have some bad luck or something because it ALWAYS happends something when I'm going somewhere that I have been looking forward to... In 2010 before the BSB cruise my mum passed away like 1 week before I left... in 2012 before I was going to London to see NKOTBSB my uncle passed away.... and I remember my dad saying to me "you have to stay at home so nothing happends" and what happends now... my co-worker and uncle is sick.
And if this isn't end.. today I woke up with loads of pain in my neck and shoulders. This just really sucks big time!

Oh well. we'll see how this day ends! Don't know if I'll be able to update so much this coming week!
But this was an update what has been going on here the last couple of days!

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