söndag 27 januari 2013

Guess what?

I'm Back!! lol!
I know I haven't been around here lately or in a long time. There are many reasons for that. But there's no point in writing about them here now.
I'm going to do my absolutely best to update here more often! Now that my app on my phone is working again, I can update from there, with more pictures. So there will be changes.
We'll see if I still will have any readers here :P

This weekend is work weekend for me, which means that I have no more life what so ever, I work, I come home, shower, eat.. maybe watch some tv, than sleep. I don't have any energy to do anything else. We have just a lot to do at work this weekend.. everyone got paid on Friday so I guess that's why everyone is coming to us :P

Talking about work, it's soon time for me to go to work, hopefully we won't be having chaos today!

The place I'm working at

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