onsdag 14 november 2012

I know I haven't been around here that much lately.. but there has been so many reasons for that, first my computer crashed like 2 times in one month, have had problems with my app on the phone so I haven't been able to update from there, but now that one works again!

And last but not least, it's November, which is a really hard month for me.
On the 21st it's 2 years ago since my mum passed away ♥
Which is really hard, so it takes a lot of energy from me to think about that. But soon, soon I'll be back :)

söndag 7 oktober 2012

I keep looking at this on twitter and I'm just so happy about it. I mean they are following ME on twitter :)

tisdag 18 september 2012

I'm so mad, my computer is about to crash... which totally SUCKS!
I'm getting so tired of all things that are messing with me right now, because it's not just one thing.
We'll see if I'll have a computer soon or it this one will broke completely :(

söndag 16 september 2012

Yesterday did me and Andreas go to one of our co-workers and her boyfriend, from the beginning the thought was that we were going to play Kinect on xbox, but when we were on our way to them, I got a call that Pierre had it at a friends place :P
Anyways, we came there, ate dinner together, and decided to play the game RISK instead, I had never done that, it was fun, but it took almost 4 HOURS lol haha!
The most important thing is that I came in a 2nd place ;)
But it was a really nice evening :)

(found this pic online so it isn't from last night)

lördag 15 september 2012

In like 2 weeks, the tickets will go onsale for the next BSB cruise.
I want to go sooo much! The cruise will be in October 2013 so it's in a year.
The bad thing is that I can't book now, it's impossible for me, first I have so many bills next month, also I need to save a little more money before I know that I can go.
Why can't they do like on the last 2 cruises, that they go on sale 9 months before the cruise, because than I probably could have booked.
But since I don't know 100% sure yet, I probably won't go, just because my friends who are going are going to book now, and if I want to share a cabin with them, I have to book now. So it's impossible for me :(
Also there will be a world tour next year as well.. so I think I have to choose, I can't afford both since I really want to go to more than 1 show.
Gosh sometimes it really sucks being a BSB fan lol :P

Me and my friends at the first cruise with BSB

måndag 10 september 2012

Yesterday me and my boyfriend celebrated 6 months together :)  
 Love you :)
I know I look awful though

torsdag 6 september 2012

It's crazy how fast time flies by sometimes, it feels like I've done nothing the past 1-2 week but at the same time loads of things, it's insane.
This morning I woke up with a huge cold which totally sucks, I hope that it won't get any worse.

Well what's new here, it's been a lot of work lately so that's mostly what I have been doing. This weekend there was a food festival here in Skellefteå. Me and my boyfriend was there on Saturday night for a while, was a nice evening expect for that it was raining.

Yesterday Kajsa and Adam was here and we had a game night, had dinner and played Mario, all Kajsa have been taking about lately is Mario so it was about time that we had another game night lol

Today me and Andreas are going to town when he has stopped working, have some lunch and go and look in stores :)

måndag 27 augusti 2012

Yesterday me and my boyfriend had a movie day, we just stayed at home and watched movies, we really needed that, was a long time ago since we had a day like that, so it was about time.
We saw Mr Brooks, Man on a ledge and You again. Mr Brooks I thought was really good until the end which totally sucked!! Which made the movie mad :( Man on a ledge was really good, a typical Malin movie lol You again was a typical girl movie which was okay as well :)
We had a really nice day, a perfect sunday :)

 Today are me and my boyfriend and his parents going to a town Luleå, about 2 hours from here to do some shopping :)
I think I should go and get ready, his parents will come here in like 30 minutes, so we are ready to go when Andreas stops working.

söndag 26 augusti 2012

Me, my boyfriend and 2 friends had a game night last night, I think we played for about 6 or 7 hours, I promise, I was dreaming about the game this night lol
But we had so much fun! Ate pizza, played and just had fun. A perfect saturday evening!

lördag 25 augusti 2012

I'm back!
Took a little longer than I wanted, but it's because I have had soo much to do, don't know where the last weeks has gone.. it's insane!
I didn't do a big change here on my blog but I changed the pictures and so only :)
My plan is to start blogging like normal now again :)

onsdag 25 juli 2012

I'm going to start blogging here again, I'm going to change the design on my blog and make it a whole new blog :)
I also got an app now so I can update it more often from my phone as well, so now it feels good! I'm back!
Give me just a few days to make the new layout and I'll be 100% back! :)

tisdag 24 juli 2012

Keep your eyes open here, soon I'll start blogging here agina :)

I'm just testing a new app :)

tisdag 28 februari 2012

Sometimes things happends in life that you really never expected to happend.
Something good for a change, it's almost that I wonder, what's the catch? I mean when will things turn around to go to the other direction? Because right now it feels really good.

torsdag 16 februari 2012

Really tired this morning, I just want to sleep.. but tomorrow I have one day off!! And it's so annoying, everyday this week I have woken up like 15 minutes before my alarm goes off, and I have got back to sleep, but been so damn tired when I have woken up again, so today, like every other day this week, I got up when I woke up. Thought maybe I wasn't going to be that tired.. I was wrong!

Don't know what happened to this week.. have been working every day, Haven't been home alone one evening this week, tonight I'm going to a hockey game.. and tomorrow.. well have some plans than as well.. don't know when exactly yet though.
And this weekend I'm working.. when will I have time to relax? lol

onsdag 11 januari 2012

I don't know how I'm going to survive this day.
I'm so tired. Every little piece of me is tired, I'm so tired that it hurts.
This weeks takes a lot of energy from you at work, long days and it's always a lot to do.
working ..
  • monday 3.30pm - 8.30mpm
  • tuesday 11am - 8.30pm
  • wednesday 11am - 8.30pm
  • thursday 7am - 3pm
  • friday 7am - 3pm

maybe it doesn't sound THAT hard, but than you haven't been at my work... and it's always really hard to get up at thursday morning since it's so hard to go to sleep when you get home. Usually it takes a couple of hours before you can sleep.

Well I better go and get ready for work.. :)

tisdag 10 januari 2012

When someone from your past shows up after not having that much contact the past year, a lot of mixed feelings comes back. I was mad at that person for a long time. Now, well I do see things from a different view, I can't say that I'm still mad at this person.
However you get kinda surprised when you hear from that person and that person gives you a mix of a lot of signals... esp when I'm not sure how I feel.
That made me a little confused since I didn't know exactly how to act when I talked to that person.
But slowly I started to feel more and more what I wanted. And I must say that that felt good.
Even if I knew how I felt, I still didn't know what kind of feelings that person had, just because of our past ... I didn't want any misunderstanding.
But I do know my feelings regarding this whole situation, which feels good.

måndag 9 januari 2012

Just testing to see if I can blog from my phone.


and it worked! That's cool!

måndag 2 januari 2012

I'm still kinda confused, and I actually don't know if it's in a good way or bad way.
And what I also feel surprised about was that when I heard from this person, I didn't feel
angry at all. But at the same time I don't know how I feel about it.
I'm a little confused, but we'll see what happends.

söndag 1 januari 2012

confused.com that's me at the moment.
It's so weird that things from your past can show
up again.
To be honest, I don't know right now how I feel about it.
Time will tell.