torsdag 6 september 2012

It's crazy how fast time flies by sometimes, it feels like I've done nothing the past 1-2 week but at the same time loads of things, it's insane.
This morning I woke up with a huge cold which totally sucks, I hope that it won't get any worse.

Well what's new here, it's been a lot of work lately so that's mostly what I have been doing. This weekend there was a food festival here in Skellefteå. Me and my boyfriend was there on Saturday night for a while, was a nice evening expect for that it was raining.

Yesterday Kajsa and Adam was here and we had a game night, had dinner and played Mario, all Kajsa have been taking about lately is Mario so it was about time that we had another game night lol

Today me and Andreas are going to town when he has stopped working, have some lunch and go and look in stores :)

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