måndag 27 augusti 2012

Yesterday me and my boyfriend had a movie day, we just stayed at home and watched movies, we really needed that, was a long time ago since we had a day like that, so it was about time.
We saw Mr Brooks, Man on a ledge and You again. Mr Brooks I thought was really good until the end which totally sucked!! Which made the movie mad :( Man on a ledge was really good, a typical Malin movie lol You again was a typical girl movie which was okay as well :)
We had a really nice day, a perfect sunday :)

 Today are me and my boyfriend and his parents going to a town Luleå, about 2 hours from here to do some shopping :)
I think I should go and get ready, his parents will come here in like 30 minutes, so we are ready to go when Andreas stops working.

söndag 26 augusti 2012

Me, my boyfriend and 2 friends had a game night last night, I think we played for about 6 or 7 hours, I promise, I was dreaming about the game this night lol
But we had so much fun! Ate pizza, played and just had fun. A perfect saturday evening!

lördag 25 augusti 2012

I'm back!
Took a little longer than I wanted, but it's because I have had soo much to do, don't know where the last weeks has gone.. it's insane!
I didn't do a big change here on my blog but I changed the pictures and so only :)
My plan is to start blogging like normal now again :)