tisdag 28 februari 2012

Sometimes things happends in life that you really never expected to happend.
Something good for a change, it's almost that I wonder, what's the catch? I mean when will things turn around to go to the other direction? Because right now it feels really good.

torsdag 16 februari 2012

Really tired this morning, I just want to sleep.. but tomorrow I have one day off!! And it's so annoying, everyday this week I have woken up like 15 minutes before my alarm goes off, and I have got back to sleep, but been so damn tired when I have woken up again, so today, like every other day this week, I got up when I woke up. Thought maybe I wasn't going to be that tired.. I was wrong!

Don't know what happened to this week.. have been working every day, Haven't been home alone one evening this week, tonight I'm going to a hockey game.. and tomorrow.. well have some plans than as well.. don't know when exactly yet though.
And this weekend I'm working.. when will I have time to relax? lol